
For More Information Visit:
San Diego County District Attorney Website on Human Trafficking
Girls Only!, A Unique Program to Empower Girls
San Diego County Child Welfare Services
National Information on Human Trafficking
Information on Human Trafficking from the Federal Government
San Diego Community Resources (Find research articles, documentaries & community events)
San Diego Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition
Generate Hope, a Website for HT Survivors
North County Youth Empowerment Programs
San Diego Youth Services, Building Futures for At-Risk Youth
Cease Network: A Collaboration of Cities Committed to Reducing Sex-Buying
Alabaster Jar Project, Empowering Survivors of Human Trafficking
Community Health Centers
Center for Community Solutions
Resource Phone Numbers:
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline- Call: 888-373-7888 or Text: BeFree or 233733 (Multi Lingual 24 hour hotline)
San Diego County District Attorney- Victim Services: 619-531-4041 (Monday-Friday, 8 5:00 p.m.)
Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition: 619-666-2757 (24 hour)
211 San Diego: 2-1-1
San Diego Regional Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-DV-Links / 888-385-4657 (24 hour)
Child Abuse Hotline: 800-344-6000
Poster Program
The San Diego City Human Relations Commission initiated a county wide effort with the help of the San Diego District Attorney’s Office, Sheriff, police, victim services, survivor voices and community based civic and faith based groups to implement a new law that required the posting of certain information about human trafficking and the human trafficking hotline at required establishments.
California law requires specified businesses and other establishments to post a notice informing the public and victims of human trafficking of telephone hotline numbers to seek help or report unlawful activity.
The locally-designed poster offered below is being provided for your convenience and includes all three posting languages condensed into one easy to use notice.
The posting notice below is available in two printable sizes, 8.5 by 11 and 11 by 14.
- Adult or sexually oriented businesses
- Bus stations
- Business or establishments that offer massage or bodywork services for compensation
- Emergency rooms within general acute care hospitals
- Farm labor contractors
- Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations
- On-sale general public premises licenses under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
- Primary Airports
- Privately operated job recruitment centers
- Roadside rest areas
- Truck stops
- Urgent care centers
To find the Attorney General’s model notice and more detailed information on the specific types of required businesses, please review the Attorney General’s website at: Office of the Attorney General.
Posted in conspicuous place near the public entrance, or in another conspicuous location in clear view of the public and employees where similar notices are customarily posted.
- At least 8.5 inches by 11 inches
- Written in 16 font
Notices must be posted in English, Spanish and in one other language that is most widely spoken in the business or establishment’s location. The following three languages, in addition to English and Spanish, have been identified by the Attorney General’s Office for San Diego County.
- Tagalog
- Chinese
- Vietnamese